
29 September 2016 | Others
Five Great Web Series That You Should Be Watching
Web series offer viewers an amazing alternative to cable television and even to online streaming sites; after all, there are only so many reruns you might care to watch. While web series might be little-known compared to the latest blockbuster or major prime time drama, there is a significant number of viewers eagerly looking forward to each new release of many online-only series – and this number is growing all the time. In case you have not yet discovered what makes webseries so addictive, or if you are looking for a new show to dive into, the EBOX team has made a list of some of our favorite shows.

Sound Advice
Loved for its cast of hilarious and skilled actors, Sound Advice is well-written and fast-paced comedy about love, friendship, and everything in between. The series follows the exploits of a media coach Janessa as she tries to help bands and musicians improve their image. This is the perfect series for any music fan. Each episode is just a few minutes long, so you can burn through these in short order. Once you do, join the other fans who are clamoring for the next release.

This charming series is distinguished by excellent photography, great acting, and an addictive storyline. The show follows three very different women as they try to find love within the South Asian community in Toronto where they were born and raised. Anarkali is a perfect romantic comedy for anyone who craves true-to-life characters and nuanced emotional storytelling. Season two wrapped up in the first half of 2016, so catch up now before the next season begins.

Heroes of the North
This action web series boasts high production values and a slew of entertainment industry awards. Great costuming and interesting superhero characters has won this title a legion of devoted fans; interest is fanned by a multimedia-rich website, a comic book series, and exclusive material released to subscribing members. Do not worry if you do not want to become a member; there is plenty of entertainment to be had for free. As passionate as the fan base is, Heroes of the North remains something of a sleeper classic and carries a lot of underground cache despite its high budget appearance.

Oscar’s Hotel for Fantastical Creatures
Ostensibly a comedy, this odd little web series manages to have something for the nostalgia nerds and for people wanting an entirely fresh take on entertainment. Oliver spends his days trying to please a bizarre collection of guests that stay at his fantastic hotel. Although the colorful puppets and strange creatures will certainly appeal to the young-at-heart, Oscar’s Hotel for Fantastical Creatures is not exactly a show for children.

Comedian in Cars Getting Coffee
Yes, this is probably one of the best-known web series out there but it was also one of the first and it remains one of the most watchable online comedy shows being made. Created by Jerry Seinfeld, the entire premise of Comedian in Cars getting Coffee is just what the title says; Seinfeld and a friend or guest simply drive around, get some coffee, and talk. The conversations unfold organically; the editing keeps each episode down to an easily-consumed 10 – 15 minutes. Stories about comedy, stardom, and life outside of the media spotlight make for surprisingly fascinating viewing.
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