
5 Tips for an easy internet move

July is moving season in Quebec. It’s the time when pizzerias and breweries see a surge in sales. It’s also the time to flex those muscles (or come up with creative excuses). The weather is warm, and those without spiral staircases breathe a sigh of relief.

It also means everyone is relocating their internet service. Here are 5 tips to help you with your internet move.

1. Submit Your Move Request Early

For internet providers, moving season is the busiest time of the year, so submitting your move request early is key to a seamless transition.

Why? Because demand is exceptionally high, and technician availability is limited across all providers. By acting early, you ensure a smooth installation and avoid any service interruptions at your new address.

If you haven’t submitted your request yet, don’t worry! There’s still time. Plus, EBOX is offering free internet move fees until June 30. You can even do it online in your Customer Zone. However, we recommend having a backup plan just in case.


2. Plan for a Backup

Even with early planning, there’s always a small chance of encountering issues on installation day. Power outages, installation hiccups, inaccessible electrical rooms, or simply forgetting your modem or router can happen. Being prepared for these rare situations is always a good idea!

The good news is that there are easy solutions. Use your mobile data to create a hotspot or ask a neighbor to temporarily share their Wi-Fi. You can also visit places with wireless access like libraries or pay a visit to friends or family.

While living without the internet can be challenging, remember it’s a temporary situation that will soon be resolved.


3. Take Photos of Your Equipment Connections

No one wants to spend hours trying to reconnect their modem, router, telephone adapter, and TV receiver after the technician leaves. Save yourself the hassle by taking a photo of your equipment connections before you disconnect them. This way, you can easily refer to the photo to reconnect everything at your new address.


4. Bring Your Equipment to Your New Address

This might seem obvious, but it’s easy to overlook amidst the moving hustle. Don’t forget to disconnect and bring all your essential equipment:

  • Your modem
  • Your router
  • Your TV receivers
  • Your telephone adapter

Note for 100% fibre internet service subscribers: Leave your modem at your old address. The technician will bring a new modem on installation day, but you still need to bring your router, TV receivers, and telephone adapter.


5. Refer Your Friends to EBOX

Know friends who are moving? Suggest they switch to EBOX! You’ll receive a $25 credit for each friend who joins EBOX, and they’ll also receive a $25 credit. It’s a win-win situation with no limits, making it a great way to save some money!